Holy Days

"Feast of Trumpets" by Jim Eason

"Feast of Trumpets" by Jim Eason

The Feast of Trumpets is a day heavy in meaning. It looks forward to a day of judgment and justice. But some in this world do not wish to see it. Some profit from injustice, are corrupt to their core, and are offended by God’s ways. When God establishes His Kingdom here on earth, those who transgress will be overthrown and cast down, and those who have endured to the end will be exalted.

"Thy Kingdom Come" by Chris Gregor

"Thy Kingdom Come" by Chris Gregor

Our culture seems obsessed with the “end of the world”. From the economy to climate change to civil unrest, there seems no end to the prognosticators of doom and gloom. As Christians, we understand that everything is temporary and long for the day when Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom. But have we considered what that Day will bring and are we preparing for the World to follow?